Sunday, April 24, 2016

Unit 4: MedTech + Art

Anatomy has always been a fascinating topic for both scientists and artists, and until people began studying human cadavers, none were knowledgeable about the human body (Lecture 1). Since the understanding of the human body developed from intertwined ideas of art and science, anatomy has grown immensely to influence the way medical technology has developed. Just as the artists use their bodies as mediums of art, each person is given their very own vessel of art that they have freedom to express in their own unique ways (Lecture 3). This is shown through technological advancements allowing those in need of prostheses to be mobile—un-inhibited by the unfortunate events that shortchange people of choosing free will. These developments allow people to experience the world in the bodies they are comfortable with. It gives people the opportunity to run a marathon, see the world, or even teach their child to ride a bicycle.

Technological developments such as MRIs present the opportunity to see inside the human body without invasive means, protecting the body from torn ligaments and even cancer (Lecture 2). The intelligence of MRIs helps save many lives by finding cancerous cells in bodies before it is too late to stop the spread (Casini). However, if it is detected too late to remove the growths, intense chemotherapy is usually done in attempt to cure the patient. 

Not only must the patient maintain the will to fight through cancer, but they also have to find the strength to survive the brutality of chemotherapy. I have witnessed the difficulties brought on by chemotherapy through my grandmother who passed from pancreatic cancer when I was eight. Chemotherapy involves the use of chemicals in order to kill cancer cells living in the body, but it kills healthy cells as well. It causes hair loss, nausea and vomiting, nerve damage, blood disorders, inability to eat, as well as possible “permanent damage to the heart, lung, liver, kidneys, or reproductive system. And some people have trouble with thinking, concentrating, and memory (Side Effects of Chemotherapy)”.

As Kevin Warwick believes, we should pursue electronic methods rather than chemical medicine. It is important to continue to encourage medical advancements and find methods that target the problem rather than the whole body (Lecture 3).

Casini, Silvia. “Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as Mirror and Portrait: MRI
Configurations Between Science and Arts.” (n.d.): n. pag. 26 Oct. 2012. Web. 24 Apr. 2016.

"Side Effects of Chemotherapy." Cancer.Net. 2012. Web. 24 Apr. 2016.
Uconlineprogram. "Medicine Pt1." YouTube. YouTube, 21 Apr. 2012. Web. 24 Apr.
2016. <>.

Uconlineprogram. "Medicine Pt2." YouTube. YouTube, 21 Apr. 2012. Web. 24 Apr.
2016. <>.

Uconlineprogram. "Medicine Pt3." YouTube. YouTube, 22 Apr. 2012. Web. 24 Apr.

2016. <>.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Unit 3: Robotics + Art

As our world continues to advance technology and research various ways to further industrialization, robotics is playing an integral role in global modernization. One of the earliest noted forms of mechanical production is the printing press— re-invented by Gutenberg, but originating in China (Lecture Part 1). Another equally significant milestone in modernization is Henry Ford’s T-Model. This innovation utilized Ford’s idea of an assembly line that created the opportunity for cars to become available to those who originally could not afford the luxury (Lecture Part 2). This spurred the idea of robotic manufacture, which eventually shifted from humans being treated like machines, to machines replacing humans. The idea of assembly lines and “cookie cutter production” did not sit well with Walter Benjamin who believed that this industrialization would remove the aura of uniqueness, free-expression of creativity, and personality from the production environment; unfortunately, it did (Walter Benjamin). 
In an attempt to better acclimate robots into the environment while maintaining creativity, robotic mechanics have been attempting to program robots to embody human emotions. However, humans are becoming drastically more dependent on robots and the modern effect they have on the world. As artificial intelligent robots become the poster children for modernization, the fear of the unknown emerges amongst humans. As robots continue to advance, will they become the next generation of humans? Will we become so dependent we're unable to think and act for ourselves? These types of questions created a fear of industrialization amongst cultures. This fear is frequently portrayed in movies, and because movies have such a popular influence on our cultures today they play a large role in the perception humans have of robotic modernization (Professor Kusahara).

One movie in particular that embodies most stereotypes created by movie cultures is Wall-E. This Disney movie shows the threat humans are creating as we increasingly rely on robots to carry out daily responsibilities. In the movies, the robots have become the humans and the humans become mindless copies of each other. The robots have developed personalities, streams of conscious, and will. This movie discretely stresses the importance of developing technological independence, as the world grows increasingly reliant on robots. Although robots are vital in the advancement of technology, productivity, and industrialization, the human population must not allow the aura of intelligence, personality, and creativity to disappear. Unplug every once in a while, appreciate the world around you. 

Notice that even a robot is teaching the children,
there is no longer demand for any person to be employed.
1. Benjamin, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. London: Penguin, 2008. Print.
2. GaryTurkFilm. "Look Up." YouTube. YouTube, 25 Apr. 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.
3. Uconlineprogram. “Robotics MachikoKusahara 1.” YouTube. YouTube, 14 Apr. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2016. <>.
4. Uconlineprogram. "Robotics Pt1." YouTube. YouTube, 15 Apr. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.
5. Uconlineprogram. "Robotics Pt2." YouTube. YouTube, 15 Apr. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.
6. WALL-E. Dir. Andrew Stanton. By Andrew Stanton, Jim Reardon, Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight, and Jeff Garlin. Prod. Jim Morris. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 2008. DVD.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Unit 2: Math + Art

The three subjects act as gears that have the capability of functioning as one unit.
Created on Microsoft Word
In this week’s unit we studied how mathematics developed as a basis for the Arts and the Sciences. I’ve learned how geometry, proportions, and particularly the Golden Ratio and the Vitruvian man play integral roles in Arts and Architecture as well as Science and the understanding of the human anatomy (Reference 3). This information, in addition to the idea of two divided cultures from last week’s unit (Reference 4), has presented me with an insight that the subjects—math, science, and art—are equally divided cultures but require collaboration in order to advance knowledge in each field (Reference 5).

DaVinci's Vitruvian Man shows the connection between art, geometry, and anatomy.
(Reference 1)

One historic figure representing the perfect melting pot of all three fields is Leonardo DaVinci. DaVinci’s unwavering knowledge in each subject is credited to his abilities to find connections between all three and shape them in a way that one field is progressed by aspects of the other two. One of his many contributions, the creation of the Vitruvian Man, embodies aspects of science, art, and geometry while advancing knowledge of human anatomy and creating an idea of a way to scale measurements in mathematical situations (Reference 5). 

DaVinci's Mona Lisa is an example of how he embodied the Golden Ratio in his artwork
(Reference 1)

Many of DaVinci’s various contributions to society involved incorporations of all three fields. He created the lasting impact that anyone is capable of pursuing sciences and arts while using mathematics to act as the connection between the two. He proved how the Golden Ratio can be used to create beautiful architecture and unique art, science and math can be used to understand perspectives in paintings and drawings, and math and art can be used to understand science of human anatomy (Reference 1).
Not only did DaVinci use math and science to further his artistic career, but he also used his abilities in art, science, and math to further his career as an inventor and engineer.
(Reference 2)


1. Andrei, Mihai. "5 Things Leonardo Da Vinci Did to Change the World." ZME Science. 19 May 2008. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. <>.
2. "'Leonardo Da Vinci' 카테고리의 글 목록." DEN. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. < da Vinci?seq=2>.
3. Uconlineprogram. "" YouTube. YouTube, 09 Apr. 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. <>.
4. Uconlineprogram. "TwoCultures Pt2." YouTube. YouTube, 31 Mar. 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. <>.
5. "Vitruvian Man." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Mar. 2016. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. <>.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Unit 1: Two Cultures

Changing Education Paradigms
Snow's identification of "Two Cultures" in the 1950's still holds true to today, and the divisions amongst academics is prevalent in institutions all over the world. UCLA’s entire academic portion of campus is separated by segments of North Campus and South Campus. Not only is this division directionally based, but more importantly it is separated between Arts and Sciences. Stereotypically, North Campus has the "easier and more fun" courses for Arts majors and South campus has the "smarter and more difficult" courses for Science majors. This obvious separation and stereotype only agitates the current tensions between Sciences and Arts, threatening the fragile bridge being constructed between the two fields (Changing Education Paradigms Video). It also begs the question: what kind of courses or majors lay in the middle of the two extremities? 
Left Brain vs. Right Brain
In Snow’s A Second Look, he predicts the rise of a Third Culture that will close the gap between Sciences and Arts (Two Cultures, Lecture One). The fields of study such as: psychology, anthropology, and design media and the arts have the ability to act as a "Third Culture" that may close the gap between literary intellectuals and scientists while encouraging the opposite spectrums  to come together to strengthen the connections arts and sciences have while advancing the world's intelligence (Vesna). Steven Pinker stated in his interview that collaboration between the two spheres is necessary, and this is clear because most successful contributions to society result from teams of people with various intellectual backgrounds.
It is recognized that this bridge-building is mostly facilitated at the university level due to its ability to subject art and science people to a wide range of disciplines through required general education courses. One major—as well as many others—offered at UCLA acts as a promising connection between arts and sciences. Human Biology and Society demands courses to be taken from both North and South Campus and challenges students to think intellectually and scientifically to solve issues. "If we assume that science and art share a problem-solving attitude, the only significant difference between them would disappear” and if the societies take advantage of the advanced technology at their expense in order to better collaborate and communicate with scientists, the gap amongst the two fields of intelligence will dissipate (Vesna).
UCLA's Human Biology and Society Major Pre-Requisites
Snow, C.P. The Two Cultures: And a Second Look. N.p.: n.p., 1963. Print.

Snow, C. P. “Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution.” Reading. 1959. New York: Cambridge UP, 1961. Print. 

The RSA. "RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms". 2010. Video. 

UCOnlineProgram. "Two Cultures part1." 2012. Video.

Vesna, Victoria. "Toward a Third Culture: Being In Between." Leonardo. 34 (2001): 121-125. Print.